Huarahi - Specialised Classes
Students have opportunities to develop their key competencies while engaging in a range of specialised classes.
Hard Materials
The box I made was based on making it unique and special. This is seen in my handle and legs. I am very happy with the results. The Maori patu symbolises strength and courage to do, get through face and achieve anything in life.
I made my box with different designs on the legs and all around my box. I went with Māori leaf and koru designs for the legs and put flower designs all around the sides.
These designs represent my culture. It took an entire term to design and build, and I am pleased with what I did.
Food Technology
During Food Technology classes students have opportunities to acquire the knowledge and practical skills to prepare simple nutritious meals through the process of selecting, preparing and serving food. Where possible vegetables are harvested through our own vegetable gardens.
There is also a high focus on developing and understanding safe food practices and applying this knowledge while preparing kai for themselves and staff members.
Digital Technology
“The digital curriculum is about teaching children how to design their own digital solutions and become creators of, not just users of, digital technologies, to prepare them for the modern workforce."
Creative Arts
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
Albert Einstein